We introduce ourselves

Dear readers,

Welcome to our website, which is still under construction.

We (Christine & Thomas Kersten) are a small family hobby breeder with our Whippet bitches.

Our dogs are primarily family dogs who share the house, garden and couch with us.

We actually came to the whippet like Maria to the child.... coincidence/fate... who knows.

I visited my sister in the south of France and was greeted by a sweet whirlwind.

This wonderful creature, I then learned, was found tied to the highway near Marseille. ... strange but true.

What can I say, it was love at first sight.

This is how our Louna (Louna Bleue du Cedre Enchante) came to us. She conquered the entire family in no time, turned our previous lives upside down and developed into Thomas's soul dog.

It happened as it had to happen... because a Whippet is not a Whippet?!!!

In 2018 our Lilou (Organza Silk Lazyjil Jewels) was supposed to move in with us. We learned day by day and are still learning new things with and about our dogs. What a wonderful adventure.

With our Lilou's enthusiasm, it quickly became clear that she needed action and exercise. We became members of the WRV Kurpfalz in Oberhausen. From then on, racing and coursing took up our free time. The new hobby was perfect. A healthy balance to your job. We were able to meet so many nice people and their 4-legged companions.

The idea of getting into breeding gradually developed.

In spring 2020 our little Enola (Millriver's Enola) moved in with us.... all good things come in threes.

With Lilou and Enola we started into the world of exhibitions.

In 2021 I took part in the first breeder training course. The kennel name was fixed.

Then everything came to a standstill again due to Corona and other small hurdles.

But now the time has finally come and we are looking forward to this new adventure with our girls.


Christine Kersten-Imfeld

Hördter Straße 7

76726 Germersheim

Tel.: 0049 171 4828423

Mail: cki@organzasmagic-whippets.de

or: christine.kersten-imfeld@t-online.de

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